Consider a bus system fault occurs on bus 3 where
1&2 are generator bus and 3 is a load bus.
MATLAB Program: clc; clear all; inp=input('Enter z12 in 1st column, z13 in 2nd,
z23 in 3rd, zf in 4th, zth in 5th , eth in 6th = '); z12=inp(:,1); z21=z12; z13=inp(:,2); z31=z13; z23=inp(:,3); z32=z23; zf=inp(:,4); zth=inp(:,5); eth=inp(:,6); If=eth/(zf+zth) inp1=input('Enter z1 in 1st column, z2 in 2nd =
'); z1=inp1(:,1); z2=inp1(:,2); ig1=(If*z2)/(z1+z2); ig2=(If*z1)/(z1+z2); n=z12+z13+z23; z10=(z12*z13)/n; z20=(z21*z23)/n; z30=(z31*z32)/n; |
v1=1-(ig1*z10); v2=1-(ig2*z20); v3=1+(zf*If)-1; i12=(v1-v2)/z12; i13=(v1-v3)/z13; i32=(v3-v2)/z32; i23=-i32; fprintf('\nFault Voltages V1 = ', num2str(v1)); disp(v1); fprintf('\nFault Voltages V2 = ', num2str(v2)); disp(v2); fprintf('\nFault Voltages V3 = ', num2str(v3)); disp(v3); fprintf('\nFault Current i12 = ', num2str(i12)); disp(i12); fprintf('\nFault Current i13 = ', num2str(i13)); disp(i13); fprintf('\nFault Current i32 = ', num2str(i32)); disp(i32); fprintf('\nFault Current i23 = ', num2str(i23)); disp(i23); MATLAB Output: YouTube Video of My Channel on the Problem you can use this also
( If you have any problem in doing this you can comment below, I will help as soon as possible) 💗 Thanks For Visiting 💗 |
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